For me Monday represents a fresh start to the week. It is the day where the slate from the previous week is wiped clean. It is a day of new begginings. - Allen Smith Related Articles
Grant Life Cycle: Develop Your Proposal
Have a concept for a grant proposal? Today I talk about key components to flesh that concept out.
The first #GrantTipTuesday of the new year! Have a great day, friends.
It’s Monday and the first full week of the new year! Set your goals and get this week started right, friends.
Happy New Year! Today’s #FiresideFriday is all about evaluating last year and getting your ducks in a row to have a successful new year!
Grant Life Cycle: Finding Funding
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a match… Yes, that song is about being matched for marriage, but looking for the perfect funder is much like that!
“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others.” - Alfred North Whitehead Related Articles
Grant Life Cycle: Generate Your Idea
There are many ways to generate your idea. Today I discuss a great way to accomplish this goal.
“When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or you take them with gratitude.” - Gilbert K. Chesterson Related Articles
Understanding the Grant Life Cycle
Grants don’t write themselves, so naturally there is a process.