Grant Tip Tuesday
Grant Tip Tuesday
You got the grant, now what?
Yes!!!! You have the notification in hand. You have received funding! After you have finished celebrating this achievement, the reality of it sets in. What do I do now? Notify all of your administrators, this includes your Board of Directors. Once everyone has...
Grant Tip Tuesday
Objectives are SMART
A goal is only as good as the objectives that go with it. The objective represents a step toward accomplishing a goal. In contrast to the goal, an objective is narrow, precise, tangible, concrete, and can be measured. S- specific M-measurable A- appropriate R-...
Grant Tip Tuesday
Happy Thanksgiving from Boyd Grants
Grant Tip Tuesday
Writing Goals
Writing compelling goals for a grant narrative is imperative!
Grant Tip Tuesday
#granttiptuesday #grantpro #grantdevelopment