Does the project fit the grant?

Does the project fit the grant?

Hey there, grant seekers! Today, let's dive into the crucial topic of ensuring your project fits perfectly with the grant opportunity you've discovered. Landing on a potential grant and grant maker that align with your project and organization is just the beginning of...

Got a grant management system?

Got a grant management system?

Grantmakers want to see that your organization has the ability to manage the significant amount of money you are trying to convince them to give you in your grant application. Having a strong grant management system in place as the best way to show them that you can stay in compliance and follow through on your project.

How to define deliverables in your grant proposal

How to define deliverables in your grant proposal

Determining deliverables, performance metrics, and their relationship and clearly expressing all this in the grant proposal takes some mental gymnastics and hand-holding of the grant adjudicator. Don’t make the mistake of expecting them to understand the scope of the project to the extent that you do.

How to keep your grant in alignment with the funder

How to keep your grant in alignment with the funder

In any grant application, take every opportunity to align the purpose of your grant with the values and goals of the funding entity. This may seem obvious, but it is easy to lose track of this vital aspect of grant writing when you are immersed in your organization’s agenda, and in the process of writing the grant itself.

How to Think Beyond the Grant

How to Think Beyond the Grant

One question many grant makers have is this: how will the program funded sustain itself after grant closing? Many grant seekers have projects in mind that they want funding to start, but grant makers want to know how the project will sustain beyond the grant.

Is your dream team missing something? A project manager!

Is your dream team missing something? A project manager!

Grant writing isn’t just about putting words on paper—it’s like assembling a buzzing puzzle of opportunities into one cohesive masterpiece. From finding the right grants to gathering support letters and coordinating with partners, there’s a whole world of exciting tasks involved. And let’s not forget the thrill of actually writing the grant proposal itself!