Letters of Support Made Simple
Most grant applications, and virtually all federal grant applications, require letters of support from local, regional, and state leadership depending on the project. This shows the funder that there is layered support for your organization or entity, and for the proposed project lending to its long-term success.
Logic Models: a Tool for Your Team and for Potential Funding Sources
Logic models go a long way towards making your grant application stand out from the pile. They are a great tool to show complex information in one digestible unit.
Organizational Information: First Impressions Matter
Every grant maker wants to know who you, first and foremost. First impressions matter, and the organizational information section of your grant application is where you make this impression.
Resume tips for grant applications
Grant makers want to know the key personnel who will be carrying out the project they are funding. They want to know they are giving money to competent people who will not mismanage funds and complete the project as intended.
Set Your Organization Apart from the Rest
Grant seekers have a much greater chance of receiving grants from foundations and other grant makers that they already have a relationship with. This is especially true for nonprofits seeking foundation grants, but also applies to all grant seekers. If...
Strategies for Preventing Staffing Problems Mid-Grant
One of the biggest grant management challenges facing awardees comes when staffing changeover occurs mid-grant. Every position fills a vital role and holds an integral piece to the puzzle. When working under a grant, compliance is high-stakes and the...
Tips for finding and getting foundation grants
If you are looking for grant funding on behalf of an established 501(c)(3) organization, foundation grants are a great place to look. There are two types of foundations that make grants: Private Foundations. These entities face an annual payout requirement...
What is a Benefit-Cost Analysis?
When applying for FEMA grants or other grants geared at disaster risk mitigation, you will likely be required to submit a Benefit-Cost Analysis, or BCA. According to FEMA, “The result is a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR). A project is considered cost-effective...
What’s in a grant proposal?
Pro tip: before you do anything else to write your grant proposal, start with an outline. That way, all of your research and the information you collect has a home in your final grant proposal.