3 Hidden Benefits of Effective Grant Reporting
Your organization was awarded the grant and the project is underway. Now what? Required reporting throughout the course of the grant ensure funds are being used in compliance with grant requirements and that the project is on track. There are...
10 Tips for Grant Management
10 tips to establish a comprehensive grants management approach.
3 Quick Tips to Beat Writers Block
It’s an undeniable fact of grant writing – the actual prospect of writing a grant can be paralyzing. Like any other type of writing project, writer’s block can come at the most inconvenient time like a cat jumping up and sitting on your keyboard. But you’re up...
3 Tips for Effective Grant Prospecting
By far the biggest hurdle facing those who want to apply for grant funding is FINDING grants to apply for. With the breadth of funding available, the trick is to strike a balance between narrowing your search to make it manageable and target funding sources...
Best Practices for Navigating Grants.gov
Grants.gov is the place to go to look for government funding. The good news is there are a lot of grants to search through. The bad news is there are a LOT of grants to search through. The first step to narrow down your search is to set the filters to meet...
3 Tips to Stay on Top of the Federal Grant Cycle
Federal grants take a lot of time and work to prepare for and write, but the money is well worth the effort. While there is always some variance, developing a schedule for federal grant funding cycles is relatively straightforward and goes a long way towards...
3 Grant Management Best Practices
Having an effective system in place streamlines grant application processes, establishes strong communication within the team and with key stakeholders and funders, and ensures that once you get grant money you can effectively track how it is used.
How to Motivate to Get Writing
There are days that will feel like running through sand. Grant writing is a deeply involved process with very strict deadlines, which is a horrid combination for days when you just can’t seem to motivate. Can’t seem to get writing? Yes, you can. Here’s how:...
Should I get a Grant Writing Coach?
Should I get a Grant Writing Coach? Are you just starting out grant writing? Are you an experienced grant writer who has hit a lull or wants greater accountability? Have you written grants in the past and are getting back into it? Are you comfortable writing...
Communication Solutions for Your Grant Writing Team
Communication Solutions for Your Grant Writing Team The grant writing process has a lot of moving parts, and the operation will fall flat as soon as there is a communication breakdown. Everyone on your team needs to be on the same page, and that is not an easy feat. ...