Writing Hack – Don’t Start From Scratch
Writing Hack: Don’t Start from Scratch One of my favorite parts of grant writing is that there are very few times throughout the grant writing process that you actually have to start writing from scratch. By the time you get to writing the actual grant, you already...
How To Communicate With Foundations?
How to Communicate with Foundations During your grant search, you’ve likely come across numerous foundations with missions that align with your organization. They offer grant funding, but they do not accept unsolicited grant applications. What does this mean? You’ve...
Goals Objectives Outcomes
Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes This trifecta makes up the foundation of writing a compelling grant application. Even if not explicitly asked, grantors what to know the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the project they are being asked to fund. What are goals,...
Budget and Narrative Realignment Grant applications will require both a budget section and a project narrative section. In many cases – especially in the case that the grant is being written by a grant writer outside of the organization – these two components...
3 Tips to help you overcome writers block
3 Tips to help you overcome writers block. It’s an undeniable fact of grant writing – the actual prospect of writing a grant can be paralyzing. Like any other type of writing project, writer’s block can come at the most inconvenient time like a cat jumping up and...
Does the Project Fit the Grant?
You’ve done your grant prospecting and found a grant and grant maker that seem to align with your project and organization. This does not mean your work in this area is over. The grant application must clearly show that the project fits the goals and objectives...
Is Your Dream Team Missing Something? A Project Manager!
Is Your Dream Team Missing Something? A Project Manager! Grant writing is in essence assembling a swarm of moving parts into one cohesive, digestible package. Finding grants that are a good match, research, soliciting letters of support, identifying partners and...
Can You Get a Government Grant?
Grants.gov is an amazing resource for grant seekers…who qualify for federal or other government grants. When using the Grants.gov search engine, set the parameters to show only grants that your organization or entity qualifies for. Government grants primarily fund...