The White House, November 11, 1919.

A year ago today our enemies laid down their arms in accordance with an armistice which rendered them impotent to renew hostilities, and gave to the world an assured opportunity to reconstruct its shattered order and to work out in peace a new and juster set of international relations. The soldiers and people of the European Allies had fought and endured for more than four years to uphold the barrier of civilization against the aggressions of armed force. We ourselves had been in the conflict something more than a year and a half.

With splendid forgetfulness of mere personal concerns, we remodeled our industries, concentrated our financial resources, increased our agricultural output, and assembled a great army, so that at the last our power was a decisive factor in the victory. We were able to bring the vast resources, material and moral, of a great and free people to the assistance of our associates in Europe who had suffered and sacrificed without limit in the cause for which we fought.

Out of this victory there arose new possibilities of political freedom and economic concert. The war showed us the strength of great nations acting together for high purposes, and the victory of arms foretells the enduring conquests which can be made in peace when nations act justly and in furtherance of the common interests of men.

To us in America the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service, and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of nations.


On this Veterans Day, how does a grant writer honor those who have served? By finding opportunities to give back. Did you know the Department of Defense has a page dedicated to Veterans’ stories?

Also, we all hear about the many issues Veterans deal with. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) states that the nation’s homeless veterans are predominantly male, with roughly 9% being female. The majority are single; live in urban areas; and suffer from mental illness, alcohol and/or substance abuse, or co-occurring disorders. About 11% of the adult homeless population are veterans. But what can you do to help? 

There are amazing organizations that actively work with and for Veterans. Donating or giving back to them is an easy way to show your gratitude! Below are just a few organizations. As always, do your own research to make sure the organization you want to support is fiscally sound and ethical!

Fisher House Foundation

Fisher House Foundation is a national not-for-profit organization established to provide support for the Fisher House program that provides free housing and “a home away from home” for the families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. Since its founding in 1990 by Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher, the organization has helped more than 305,000 families, saving them more than $360 million in out-of-pocket costs for housing and transportation.

Give An Hour

Give An Hour works to match military and veterans struggling with mental health and well-being with volunteer health professionals that can help them recover. The nonprofit has provided 210,000 hours of service with over 858 active volunteers and 390 partner organizations.

Honor Flight Network

Honor Flight Network transports America’s military veterans to Washington, DC to give them the opportunity to visit the memorials dedicated to their service and the service of their friends. Top priority is given to senior WWII vets and veterans who are struggling with terminal illnesses.

There are also many grant opportunities for programs that support our Veterans.  Here are just a few!

Grants for Adaptive Sports Programs for Disabled Veterans and Disabled Members of the Armed Forces

Adaptive Sports Grant (ASG) Program Description: A. Purpose: To provide grants to eligible adaptive sports entities to plan, develop, manage, and implement adaptive sports activities for disabled Veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces. ……

Specially Adapted Housing Assistive Technology Grant Program

Pursuant to the Veterans Benefit Act of 2010, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Secretary), through the Loan Guaranty Service (LGY) of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), is authorized to provide grants of financial assistance to develop……

Veterans Cemetery Grants

Grants are available for states, territories and federally recognized tribal governments. This program is implemented in 38 Code of Federal Regulations Part 39.…

VHA Primary Care

The intent is to account for Veterans Health Care spending and display the spending by Veteran residence.

VHA Mental Health clinics

The intent is to account for Veterans Health Care spending and display the spending by Veteran residence.…

VHA Community Living Center

The intent is to account for Veterans Health Care spending and display the spending by Veteran residence.…


To all of you have served, thank you! We would love to hear your story.